The Minutes of the Financial Stability Committee's meeting from 26 November and 2 and 3 December published
The minutes for the meeting of the Financial Stability Committee from 26 November and 2 and 3 December 2024 have been published. At the meeting, the Committee discussed the principal risks to financial stability, such as economic developments, risks in the operations of financial institutions and the financial system, developments in domestic financial markets, household and corporate debt, the real estate market, the efficacy of borrower-based measures, and financial institutions’ capital and liquidity. It also discussed global uncertainties. Members discussed also operational security in payment intermediation. Thereafter, they discussed the policy on the countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) and the neutral buffer rate.
MoreRevised Currency Baskets
The weights of currencies in the baskets used to calculate the broad and narrow merchandise- and trade-weighted indices have been updated. The weights are determined based on Iceland’s external trade in 2023. The last review was carried out at the beginning of 2024. The tables show the new baskets and the changes resulting from the review. The revised baskets will be used as of 1 January 2025 and will remain in use until the next annual review.
MoreWorking paper no. 98: Productivity or privilege: Game-theoretic and experimental models of social class
The Central Bank of Iceland has published the working paper “ Productivity or privilege: Game-theoretic and experimental models of social class“ by Anna Gunnthorsdottir at the University of Arizona and the University of Iceland and Pálmar Thorsteinsson at the Central Bank of Iceland.
MoreReduction in systemic risk buffer and increase in capital buffer for systemically important financial institutions
Published yesterday in the Law and Ministerial Gazette are new Central Bank of Iceland Rules on Systemic Risk Buffers for Financial Undertakings, no. 1414/2024, and new Rules on Capital Buffers for Systemically Important Financial Undertakings, no. 1415/2024. Both sets of rules were approved at a meeting of the Financial Stability Committee (FSN) on 3 December 2024.
MoreMinutes of the Monetary Policy Committee meeting of 18 and 19 November 2024
In accordance with the Monetary Policy Committee Rules of Procedure, the minutes of the Committee's most recent meeting have been published on the Bank's website. The minutes are published two weeks after the announcement of the Committee‘s decision.