Financial Stability Committee

Decisions on the application of the Central Bank’s financial stability policy instruments are taken by the Financial Stability Committee (FSN) in accordance with the Act on the Central Bank of Iceland, no. 92/2019. The Committee’s decisions must be based on a thorough assessment of the current situation and outlook for the financial system. Examples of financial stability policy instruments include rules on financial institutions’ capital buffers, foreign exchange balance, and liquidity and net stable funding, as well as rules restricting the risk that borrowers may take, such as restrictions on loan-to-value ratios and debt service-to-income ratios.

Members of the Financial Stability Committee are the Governor of the Central Bank, the three Deputy Governors, and three experts in financial market affairs or economics who are appointed by the Minister responsible for financial stability for a term of five years. The Permanent Secretary or an appointed official from the Ministry responsible for financial stability also participates in Committee meetings as a non-voting member with the right to address the meeting and present proposals. The composition of the Financial Stability Committee shall be such that the Committee’s members collectively possess sufficient expertise, qualifications, and experience to carry out the tasks entrusted to it. The Minister may only appoint the same person to the FSN twice. The Governor chairs the Financial Stability Committee, and the Deputy Governor for Financial Stability serves as vice-chair.

The Committee is currently composed of the following members: Ásgeir Jónsson, chair; Arnór Sighvatsson (from 1 May 2024), Rannveig Sigurðardóttir; Björk Sigurgísladóttir; Axel Hall; Bryndís Ásbjarnardóttir; and Guðmundur Kristján Tómasson. As is noted above, a Ministry official also attends FSN meetings.


The Financial Stability Committee


Tasks of the Financial Stability Committee

The tasks of the Financial Stability Committee are to:

  • Assess the current situation in and outlook for the financial system, systemic risk, and financial stability.  
  • Discuss and define the actions deemed necessary at any given time in order to affect the financial system so as to strengthen and preserve financial stability, and to this end, make recommendations to the appropriate Governmental authorities when warranted. 
  • Approve Governmental directives and take the decisions entrusted to the Committee by law. 
  • Decide which supervised entities, infrastructure, and markets shall be considered systemically important and of such a nature that their activities could affect financial stability. 


Meetings of the Financial Stability Committee

The Financial Stability Committee shall meet at least four times a year. In addition, the Financial Stability Committee may meet if its chairperson or three of its members so request. The Financial Stability Committee shall adopt rules of procedure that include provisions on the preparation of, rationale for, and presentation of its decisions. The Financial Stability Committee’s decisions on the application of financial stability policy instruments shall be published and an account given of the rationale for the decisions, together with an assessment of the situation, and minutes of its meetings shall be published unless such publication can be expected to have an adverse impact on financial stability. Meetings of the Financial Stability Committee shall be deemed to have a quorum if five of its seven members are in attendance. Decisions by the Financial Stability Committee shall be taken by a simple majority of votes; in the case of a tie, the chairperson shall cast the deciding vote.

The Financial Stability Committee shall report to Parliament on its work once a year. The report shall be discussed in the Parliamentary committee of the Speaker’s choosing.

Financial Stability Committee Rules of Procedures


Financial Stability Committee statements and minutes

Meeting dates FSN statements Publication of FSN minutes
10 March 2020   1 July 2020
16 March 2020 18 March  1 July 2020
31 March 2020 8 April  1 July 2020
22 - 23 June 2020 1 July  21 July 2020
21 - 22 September 2020   23 September 27 October 2020
14 - 15 December 2020 16 December 29 March 2021 
12 - 13 April 2021  14 April 31 May 2021
28 - 29 June 2021 30 June 27 July 2021
27 - 28 September 2021 29 September 29 October 2021
5 November 2021    29 November 2021 
6 - 7 December 2021   8 December 14 January 2022
14 - 15 March 22 16 March 8 April 2022
13 - 14 June 2022  15 June 1 July 2022 
26 - 27 September 2022  28 September    26 October 2022
5 - 6 December 2022 7 December 4 January 2023
13-14 March 2023 15 March 12 April 2023
5-6 June 2023 7 June 5 July 2023
 18-19 September 2023 20 September 1 November 2023
 4-5 December 2023 6 December 3 January 2024 
 21 February 2024 22 February 11 March 2024
 11-12 March 2024 13 March  10 April 2024 
 3-4 June 2024  5 June  3 June 2024