Central Bank Balance Sheet at end-September 2005
The following table shows the Central Bank of Iceland’s Balance Sheet as at the end of September 2005 with comparative figures for the end of August 2005 and end of December 2004.
The Central Bank’s foreign reserves increased by 12.4 b.kr. to 70.7 b.kr. at the end of September (equivalent to 1,148 m. US dollars at the exchange rate at the end of the month). The main reason for the increase was that the part of the proceeds from the privatisation of Iceland Telecom which was paid in foreign currency and had not already been deployed on prepaying Treasury foreign debt was deposited in a foreign currency account in the Central Bank. It will be used to prepay Treasury foreign debt in October.
The króna appreciated by 3.1% in September.
Central Bank claims on deposit money banks increased by 22.4 b.kr. in September and amounted to 49 b.kr. at the end of the month. Claims on other financial institutions increased by 5.2 b.kr. to 13.8 b.kr. at the end of the month.
Market value of listed securities in the Bank’s portfolio was 2.1 b.kr. at the end of September.
Central Bank liabilities towards deposit money banks decreased by 3.4 b.kr. in September and amounted to 14.7 b.kr. at the end of the month.
Net deposits of central government increased by 45 b.kr. during the month and stood at 73 b.kr. at the end of September.
Base money decreased by 3.3 b.kr. in September and amounted to 27.4 b.kr. at the end of the month.
For further information, contact the Governors of the Central Bank of Iceland or Erla Árnadóttir, Chief Accountant, tel. (+354) 569-9600.
Press release with table (pdf-36kb)
No. 30/2005
October 6, 2005