02 March 2021

Current account surplus 22.1 b.kr. in Q4/2020 – net IIP positive by 1,039 b.kr.

In Q4/2020 the current account surplus measured 22.1 b.kr., as compared with a surplus of 2.9 b.kr. in the preceding quarter. The current account surplus for 2020 as a whole amounted to 30.9 b.kr., as compared with a surplus of 193.9 b.kr. in 2019. The net international investment position was positive by 1,039 b.kr., or 35.3% of GDP, and improved by 83 b.kr., or 2.8% of GDP, during the quarter.

See further: Press release no 7/2020: Current account surplus 22.1 b.kr. in Q4/2020 – net IIP positive by 1,039 b.kr. 