23 April 2012
Spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund, 20-22 April 2012
Central Bank of Iceland Governor Már Guðmundsson, who is Iceland’s representative on the Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), attended the Fund’s spring meetings, held in Washington, DC. The Governor attended a number of meetings with senior IMF management and staff members, where Iceland’s affairs were under discussion. Steingrímur J. Sigfússon, Minister of Economic Affairs, attended the meetings as well. The Nordic-Baltic Constituency’s representative on the Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) was Margrethe Vestager, Denmark’s Minister for Economic and Interior Affairs. A link to the Constituency’s statement can be found below.According to the communiqué issued by the IMFC, the global economy is recovering gradually, and the outlook is for moderate growth, although a high level of risk remains. Committee members agreed to “continue to act collectively to restore confidence, rekindle growth, and create jobs.”
On Friday, 20 April, the Governor gave a presentation at the JP Morgan investors’ symposium. The title of the presentation was “Rebalancing Growth and Lifting Capital Controls in Iceland”. On Sunday 22 April, the Governor participated in the 2012 International Capital Markets and Emerging Markets Roundtable held by the Institute of International Finance (IIF). The Governor is a member of the Group of Trustees of the Principles for Stable Capital Flows and Fair Debt Restructuring.
For further information, see:
Communique´s of the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the IMFC.pdf
Statement of the Nordic Baltic Constituency at the Spring Meetings 2012 (Margrethe Vestager, Danish Minister for Economic and Interior Affairs).pdf