06 January 2005

Publication dates for Monetary Bulletin

 Publication dates for Monetary Bulletin, the new Financial Stability Report and Economic Indicators in 2005.

The following publication dates have been decided for the Central Bank of Iceland’s quarterly Peningamál (Monetary Bulletin) in 2005: no. 1 on March 22, no. 2 on June 3, no. 3 on September 26 and no. 4 on December 2. As before, all market-sensitive information in Peningamál will be simultaneously published in English translation on the Central Bank’s website. Other material which is not market-sensitive will be published at the first possible instance afterwards.

Comprehensive macroeconomic and inflation forecasts will be included in the March and September editions. The June and December editions will contain an updated inflation forecast incorporating the main changes in assumptions since the last published forecast. The comprehensive macroeconomic and inflation forecasts are timetabled to allow them to incorporate the latest data from the national accounts for 2004 in March and for the first half of the current year in September.

Another change in the Central Bank’s publications this year will be the launch of a separate Financial Stability Report. Until now, the Bank’s financial stability analysis has been published as part of Monetary Bulletin. It is planned to publish the Financial Stability Report once a year, commencing on April 22.

Publication dates for Hagvísar, the Central Bank of Iceland’s monthly statistical update, in 2005 are as follows:

January 27 August 25

February 24 September 22

March 23 October 27

April 28 November 24

May 26 December 22

June 23

An abridged English version, Economic Indicators, is published shortly afterwards.

For further information, contact Arnór Sighvatsson, Chief Economist, or Tryggvi Pálsson, Director of the Financial Stability Department, tel. (+354) 569-9600.

No. 1/2005
January 6, 2005
