Statement of the Financial Stability Committee and publication of Financial Stability report - today
A statement of the Financial Stability Committee was published on the Central Bank of Iceland website at 08:30 hrs. today, 14 April 2021. The Bank’s Financial Stability report was published at 08:35 hrs. An hour later, at 9:30 hrs., a press conference on the statement and the contents of the Financial Stability report was held.
At the press conference Ásgeir Jónsson, Governor and Financial Stability Committee chair; Gunnar Jakobsson, Deputy Governor for Financial Stability and FSC vice-chair; and Haukur C. Benediktsson, Director of the Financial Stability Department introduced and discussed the statement and report.
A link to the webcast is available here.
Further information on Financial Stability is available here and information on the publication of the Central Bank of Iceland is available here.