14 January 2020

Foreign exchange market, exchange rate developments, and international reserves 2019

Central Bank of Iceland

The króna depreciated by 3.1% in 2019. Turnover in the interbank foreign exchange market totalled 188.3 b.kr. Bank’s turnover in the interbank market totalled 7.6% in 2019. The Bank's international reserves increased by roughly 86 b.kr. in 2019, to 822 b.kr. by the year-end. The Central Bank’s foreign exchange balance – i.e., the difference between the Bank’s foreign-denominated assets and liabilities – was positive by approximately 646 b.kr. at year-end 2019, as opposed to 627 b.kr. at the end of 2018.

See here further information: Foreign exchange market, exchange rate developments, and international reserves 2019 (pdf-file)


No. 3/2020
14 January 2020
