Revised currency baskets 2023
The weights of currencies in the baskets used to calculate the broad and narrow merchandise- and trade-weighted indices have been updated. The weights are determined based on Iceland’s external trade in 2022. The last review was carried out at the beginning of 2023. The tables show the new baskets and the changes resulting from the review. The revised baskets will be used as of 1 January 2024 and will remain in use until the next annual review.

Minutes of the Monetary Policy Committee meeting of 20-21 November 2023
In accordance with the Monetary Policy Committee Rules of Procedure, the minutes of the Committee's most recent meeting have been published on the Bank's website. The minutes are published two weeks after the announcement of the Committee‘s decision.

Statement of the Central Bank of Iceland Financial Stability Committee 6 December 2023
The Icelandic financial system is sound. The systemically important banks’ capital and liquidity are strong. Although lending growth has eased, the banks remain well able to continue to supply credit to households and businesses.

Statement of the Financial Stability Committee - webcast today
A statement of the Financial Stability Committee was published on the Central Bank of Iceland website today at 8:30 hrs. An hour later, at 9:30, a webcast from a press conference on the statement will be held. At the press conference Ásgeir Jónsson, Governor and Financial Stability Committee chair and Gunnar Jakobsson, Deputy Governor for Financial Stability, will introduce and discuss the statement.

Current account surplus 61.8 b.kr. in Q3/2023 – net IIP positive by 31.2% of GDP
The current account surplus measured 61.8 b.kr. in Q3/2023. This represents an improvement of 60.8 b.kr. relative to the previous quarter and 39.7 b.kr. relative to Q3/2022. At the end of the quarter, the net international investment position was posi-tive by 1,272 b.kr., or 31.2% of GDP. It improved by 145 b.kr., or 3.6% of GDP, during the quarter.