30 December 2024
Working paper no. 98: Productivity or privilege: Game-theoretic and experimental models of social class
More07 October 2024
Working paper no. 97: Extracting inflation expectations and risk premia from the breakeven inflation rate in Iceland
More17 October 2023
Iceland’s balance of payments, international investment position, and vulnerabilities
More06 October 2023
Working paper no. 94: Monetary transmission in Iceland: Evidence from a structural VAR model
More21 December 2022
Working paper no. 90: What a difference a decade makes: survey evidence from Icelandic firms
More19 January 2022
Working Paper no. 88: Analysing inflation dynamics in Iceland using a Bayesian structural vector autoregression model
More06 September 2021
Working Paper no. 87: Wages and prices of foreign goods in the inflationary process in Iceland
More25 June 2021
Working Paper no. 86: The currency that came in from the cold: Capital controls and the information content of order flow
More03 May 2021
Special Publication 14: Iceland’s balance of payments and international investment position
More04 March 2021
Working paper no. 85: Exchange rate pass-through, monetary policy, and real exchange rates: Iceland and the 2008 crisis
More03 December 2020
Working Paper No. 84: DYNIMO - Version III. A DSGE model of the Icelandic economy
More05 May 2020
Working Paper no. 83: Volatility of national account data for Iceland and other OECD countries
More19 December 2019
Working paper no. 82: A Quarterly Macroeconomic Model of the Icelandic Economy Version 4.0
More27 August 2018
Working Paper No. 78: The common component of the CPI: A trendy measure of Icelandic underlying inflation
More09 March 2018
Working Paper no. 77: Disinflation and improved anchoring of long-term inflation expectations: The Icelandic experience
More28 September 2017
Working Paper no. 75: The Central Bank of Iceland's approach to stress testing the Icelandic banking system
More20 September 2017
Special Publication no. 11: Monetary policy based on inflation targeting: Iceland's experience since 2001 and post-crisis changes
More06 December 2016
Working Paper no. 74: Estimating the Natural Interest Rate for Iceland: An Exploratory Study
More04 October 2016
Working Paper no. 73: Small open economies in the vast ocean of global high finance
More10 August 2016
Working Paper no. 72: The long history of financial boom-bust cycles in Iceland - Part II: Financial cycles
More01 December 2015
Working Paper no. 71: QMM: A Quarterly Macroeconomic Model of the Icelandic Economy
More01 November 2015
Working Paper no. 70: Do interest rates affect the exchange rate under capital controls?
More10 August 2015
Working Paper no. 68: The long history of financial boom-bust cycles in Iceland - Part I: Financial crises
More29 November 2014
Working Paper No. 66: Icelandic boom and bust: Immigration and the housing market
More15 October 2014
Informational Report no. 5: New standards for statistics on the balance of payments and international investment position
More29 August 2014
Working Paper No. 65: Should Icelandic pension funds hedge currency risk in their foreign investments?
More29 July 2013
Working Paper No. 64: How "natural" is the natural rate? Unemployment hysteresis in Iceland
More29 March 2013
Working Paper no. 62: The Icelandic banking collapse: was the optimal policy path chosen?
More29 March 2013
Working Paper no. 63: On our own? The Icelandic business cycle in an international context
More19 March 2013
Special Publication no. 9: Iceland's underlying external position and balance of payments
More29 January 2013
Working Paper no. 60: The production and export structure of the Icelandic economy: An international comparison
More17 October 2012
Special Publication no. 8: Financial Stability: The Role of the Central Bank of Iceland
More29 May 2012
Working Paper no. 58: Mandatory pension savings, private savings, homeownership, and financial stability
More29 December 2011
Working Paper no. 56: Unemployment Dynamics and Cyclical Fluctuations in the Icelandic Labour Market
More29 August 2011
Working Paper no. 55: Evidence of Nominal Wage Rigidity and Wage Setting from Icelandic Microdata
More29 July 2011
Working Paper no. 54: Price setting in turbulent times: Survey evidence from Icelandic firms
More29 October 2010
Working Paper no. 52: Longevity, Growth and Intergenerational Equity - The Deterministic Case
More29 October 2010
Working Paper no. 51: Weathering the financial storm: The importance of fundamentals and flexibility
More29 July 2010
Working Paper no. 48: New Perspectives on Depreciation Shocks as a Source of Business Cycle Fluctuations
More29 November 2009
Working Paper no. 47: A double-edged sword: High interest rates in capital-control regimes
More29 October 2009
Working Paper no. 43: Does inflation targeting lead to excessive exchange rate volatility?
More29 July 2009
Working Paper no. 42: Inflation control around the world: Why are some countries more successful than others?
More27 February 2009
Working Paper no. 41 QMM A Quarterly Macroeconomic Model of the Icelandic Economy
More29 December 2007
Working Paper no. 37: Asymmetric Labor Market Institutions in the EMU: positive and negative implications
More29 September 2007
Working Paper no. 36: Forecasting the Icelandic business cycle using vector autoregressive models
More29 May 2007
Working Paper no. 35: Computational Efficiency in Bayesian Model and Variable Selection
More29 January 2007
Working Paper no. 33: Predicting recessions with leading indicators: An application on the Icelandic economy
More29 December 2006
Working Paper no. 32: QMM. A Quarterly Macroeconomic Model of the Icelandic Economy
More29 September 2006
Working Paper no. 31: The New Keynesian Phillips Curve: In Search of Improvements and Adaptation to the Open Economy
More29 August 2006
Working Paper no. 30: Simple efficient policy rules and inflation control in Iceland
More27 February 2006
Working Paper no. 29: The residential housing market in Iceland: Analysing the effects of the recent mortgage market restructuring
More29 November 2005
Working Paper no. 28: The dynamic behaviour of the real exchange rate in sticky price models
More29 December 2004
Working Paper no. 26: Out in the cold? Iceland's trade performance outside the EU
More29 June 2004
Working Paper no. 23: The effects of inflation targeting on macroeconomic performance
More29 January 2004
Working Paper no. 22: Sluggish exit and entry of labour and capital, stability and effects of taxes and subsidies in models of fisheries
More29 December 2003
Working Paper no. 21: Bank Intermediation and Persistent Liquidity Effects in the Presence of a Frictionless Bond Market
More29 November 2002
Working Paper no. 19: Regional business cycles and the natural rate of unemployment
More29 November 2002
Working Paper no. 18: Small open economy model with domestic resource shocks: Monetary union vs. floating exchange rate
More29 November 2002
Working Paper no. 20: Renewable resources in an endogenously growing economy: Balanced growth and transitional dynamics
More29 March 2002
Working Paper no. 16: Wage and price formation in a small open economy: Evidence from Iceland
More27 February 2002
Working Paper no. 17: Inflation and unemployment in Iceland in the light of natural-rate theory
More29 November 2001
Working Paper no. 14: The transmission mechanism of monetary policy: Analysing the financial market pass-through
More29 November 2001
Working Paper no. 15: Monetary and exchange rate policy in small open economies: the case of Iceland
More29 August 2001
Working Paper no. 13: Calculation of flows and disaggregation of accumulated values
More29 January 2001
Working Paper no. 12: The representative household's demand for money in a cointegrated VAR model
More29 December 2000