Central Bank discontinues regular foreign currency sales
Effective Monday 3 May 2021, the Central Bank will discontinue its regular foreign currency sales programme.

National Bank of Slovakia decision imposing sanctions and corrective measures for investment infringement by NOVIS
The Central Bank of Iceland Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA Iceland) makes reference to previous press releases concerning the National Bank of Slovakia’s (Národná banka Slovenska, NBS) decisions on NOVIS Versicherungsgesellschaft, NOVIS Compagnia di Assicurazioni, NOVIS Poisťovňa a.s. (NOVIS), most recently on 25 February 2021.

Open teleconference – presentation of Financial Supervision Committee report to Parliament
The Parliamentary Economic Affairs and Trade Committee will hold an open teleconference on today 20 April 2021 at 9:00 hrs. on the Central Bank Financial Supervision Committee’s (FMEN) report to Parliament for 2020.

IMF mission concludes Article IV Consultation with Icelandic Authorities and other stakeholders
The International Monetary Fund published its Concluding Statement today, after meeting with the Icelandic Authorities and other stakeholders over the past three weeks.

Financial Stability report published
The Financial Stability report, first issue 2021, has been posted on this website. The Bank’s semi-annual Financial Stability report presents an overview of the position of the financial system, its strengths and potential weaknesses, and the macroeconomic and operational risks it may face.