Central Bank to continue regular programme of foreign currency sales
From Monday 1 February 2021 through the end of the month, the Central Bank of Iceland will sell 3 million euros per business day to market makers in the foreign exchange market, for a total of 60 million euros during the month. The transactions will take place soon after the market opens, and no later than 10:00 hrs. The transactions are in accordance with Press Release no. 30/2020, published on 9 September 2020.

Survey of market expectations
The survey findings indicate that market agents expect inflation to average 3.7% in Q1/2021 and then ease to an average of 3.3% in Q2 and 2.9% in Q3. They also expect inflation to be close to the Bank’s inflation target in Q1/2022.

Nordic-Baltic countries engage the IMF to conduct an analysis of cross-border money laundering and terrorist financing risks in the region
The eight countries of the Nordic-Baltic Constituency of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have taken the initiative to engage the IMF to conduct a regional analysis of money laundering (ML) and terrorist financing (TF) threats and vulnerabilities.

Foreign exchange market, exchange rate developments, and international reserves 2020
The króna depreciated by 10.4% in 2020, and turnover in the interbank foreign currency market increased by 124% year-on-year. The domestic foreign currency market was strongly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Central Bank conducted large-scale trades in the market to mitigate volatility and improve price formation.

Monetary Policy Committee report to Parliament
The Central Bank Monetary Policy Committee’s (MPC) report to Parliament (Alþingi) on the Committee’s work in H2/2020 has been posted on the Bank’s website. The report is supplemented by a wide range of supporting material, including separate reports by external committee members.