Minutes of the Financial Stability Committee meeting 12-13 April
The minutes of the Financial Stability Committee meeting 12-°13 April 2021 has been published. Committee members discussed financial stability developments and prospects, the economic situation, developments in the domestic financial markets, the position of and risk in the financial system and in the operations of individual financial institutions, default, the real estate market, stress tests, systemically important financial institutions, the financial cycle, and the tasks of the resolution authority.

Interest on Central Bank of Iceland certificate of deposit CBI2016
With reference to Article 10, Paragraph 2 of the Act on the Treatment of Króna-Denominated Assets Subject to Special Restrictions, no. 37/2016, interest rates on the certificates of deposit specified in the Act are reviewed by the Central Bank on interest payment dates. The Central Bank has decided that as of the interest payment date 2 June 2021, the annual interest rate on certificates of deposit in the series CBI2016 (ISIN: IS0000027068) shall remain unchanged at 0%.

May Monetary Bulletin published
The May issue of Monetary Bulletin has been published on the Central Bank of Iceland website. The report is also issued in Icelandic under the title Peningamál.

Webcast, MPC statement, interest rate decision and Monetary Bulletin
A statement of the Central Bank of Iceland's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) and the Committee's interest rate decision was published at 08:30 hrs. today on the Central Bank website. A few minutes later, at 08:35 hrs, the Bank's quarterly Monetary Bulletin was published. Beginning at 9:30 hrs. a webcast starts where Bank officials present the interest rate decision, the MPC statement, and the contents of the Monetary Bulletin.

Statement of the Monetary Policy Committee
The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Central Bank of Iceland has decided to raise the Bank’s interest rates by 0.25 percentage points. The Bank’s key interest rate – the rate on seven-day term deposits – will therefore be 1%.