Moody’s changes Iceland’s outlook to positive from stable and affirms A3 ratings
Moody’s Investors Service ("Moody’s") has today changed the Government of Iceland's sovereign rating outlook to positive from stable and affirmed Iceland’s A3 long-term issuer rating. The key drivers for the change in the rating outlook to positive from stable are: 1) Improving economic resilience afforded by net external creditor position, more balanced growth and ongoing strengthening of the country‘s banking system. 2) Anticipated further improvement in the government‘s debt metrics beyond what was previously expected.

Monetary Policy Committee report to Parliament
The Monetary Policy Committee report to Parliament on the Committee's work during the first half of 2018 has been published on the Central Bank’s website. The Act on the Central Bank of Iceland stipulates that the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Central Bank of Iceland submit to Parliament a report on its activities twice a year and that the contents of the report be discussed in the Parliamentary committee of the Speaker’s choosing.