17 October 2023
Iceland’s balance of payments, international investment position, and vulnerabilities
More06 October 2023
Working paper no. 94: Monetary transmission in Iceland: Evidence from a structural VAR model
More21 December 2022
Working paper no. 90: What a difference a decade makes: survey evidence from Icelandic firms
More19 January 2022
Working Paper no. 88: Analysing inflation dynamics in Iceland using a Bayesian structural vector autoregression model
More06 September 2021
Working Paper no. 87: Wages and prices of foreign goods in the inflationary process in Iceland
More25 June 2021
Working Paper no. 86: The currency that came in from the cold: Capital controls and the information content of order flow
More03 May 2021
Special Publication 14: Iceland’s balance of payments and international investment position
More04 March 2021
Working paper no. 85: Exchange rate pass-through, monetary policy, and real exchange rates: Iceland and the 2008 crisis
More03 December 2020
Working Paper No. 84: DYNIMO - Version III. A DSGE model of the Icelandic economy
More05 May 2020
Working Paper no. 83: Volatility of national account data for Iceland and other OECD countries
More19 December 2019
Working paper no. 82: A Quarterly Macroeconomic Model of the Icelandic Economy Version 4.0
More27 August 2018
Working Paper No. 78: The common component of the CPI: A trendy measure of Icelandic underlying inflation
More09 March 2018
Working Paper no. 77: Disinflation and improved anchoring of long-term inflation expectations: The Icelandic experience
More28 September 2017
Working Paper no. 75: The Central Bank of Iceland's approach to stress testing the Icelandic banking system
More20 September 2017
Special Publication no. 11: Monetary policy based on inflation targeting: Iceland's experience since 2001 and post-crisis changes
More06 December 2016
Working Paper no. 74: Estimating the Natural Interest Rate for Iceland: An Exploratory Study
More04 October 2016
Working Paper no. 73: Small open economies in the vast ocean of global high finance
More10 August 2016
Working Paper no. 72: The long history of financial boom-bust cycles in Iceland - Part II: Financial cycles
More01 December 2015
Working Paper no. 71: QMM: A Quarterly Macroeconomic Model of the Icelandic Economy
More01 November 2015
Working Paper no. 70: Do interest rates affect the exchange rate under capital controls?
More10 August 2015
Working Paper no. 68: The long history of financial boom-bust cycles in Iceland - Part I: Financial crises
More29 November 2014
Working Paper No. 66: Icelandic boom and bust: Immigration and the housing market
More15 October 2014
Informational Report no. 5: New standards for statistics on the balance of payments and international investment position
More29 August 2014
Working Paper No. 65: Should Icelandic pension funds hedge currency risk in their foreign investments?
More29 July 2013
Working Paper No. 64: How "natural" is the natural rate? Unemployment hysteresis in Iceland
More29 March 2013
Working Paper no. 62: The Icelandic banking collapse: was the optimal policy path chosen?
More29 March 2013
Working Paper no. 63: On our own? The Icelandic business cycle in an international context
More19 March 2013
Special Publication no. 9: Iceland's underlying external position and balance of payments
More29 January 2013
Working Paper no. 60: The production and export structure of the Icelandic economy: An international comparison
More17 October 2012
Special Publication no. 8: Financial Stability: The Role of the Central Bank of Iceland
More29 May 2012
Working Paper no. 58: Mandatory pension savings, private savings, homeownership, and financial stability
More29 December 2011
Working Paper no. 56: Unemployment Dynamics and Cyclical Fluctuations in the Icelandic Labour Market
More29 August 2011
Working Paper no. 55: Evidence of Nominal Wage Rigidity and Wage Setting from Icelandic Microdata
More29 July 2011
Working Paper no. 54: Price setting in turbulent times: Survey evidence from Icelandic firms
More29 October 2010
Working Paper no. 52: Longevity, Growth and Intergenerational Equity - The Deterministic Case
More29 October 2010
Working Paper no. 51: Weathering the financial storm: The importance of fundamentals and flexibility
More29 July 2010
Working Paper no. 48: New Perspectives on Depreciation Shocks as a Source of Business Cycle Fluctuations
More29 November 2009
Working Paper no. 47: A double-edged sword: High interest rates in capital-control regimes
More29 October 2009
Working Paper no. 43: Does inflation targeting lead to excessive exchange rate volatility?
More29 July 2009
Working Paper no. 42: Inflation control around the world: Why are some countries more successful than others?
More27 February 2009
Working Paper no. 41 QMM A Quarterly Macroeconomic Model of the Icelandic Economy
More29 December 2007
Working Paper no. 37: Asymmetric Labor Market Institutions in the EMU: positive and negative implications
More29 September 2007
Working Paper no. 36: Forecasting the Icelandic business cycle using vector autoregressive models
More29 May 2007
Working Paper no. 35: Computational Efficiency in Bayesian Model and Variable Selection
More29 January 2007
Working Paper no. 33: Predicting recessions with leading indicators: An application on the Icelandic economy
More29 December 2006
Working Paper no. 32: QMM. A Quarterly Macroeconomic Model of the Icelandic Economy
More29 September 2006
Working Paper no. 31: The New Keynesian Phillips Curve: In Search of Improvements and Adaptation to the Open Economy
More29 August 2006
Working Paper no. 30: Simple efficient policy rules and inflation control in Iceland
More27 February 2006
Working Paper no. 29: The residential housing market in Iceland: Analysing the effects of the recent mortgage market restructuring
More29 November 2005
Working Paper no. 28: The dynamic behaviour of the real exchange rate in sticky price models
More29 December 2004
Working Paper no. 26: Out in the cold? Iceland's trade performance outside the EU
More29 June 2004
Working Paper no. 23: The effects of inflation targeting on macroeconomic performance
More29 January 2004
Working Paper no. 22: Sluggish exit and entry of labour and capital, stability and effects of taxes and subsidies in models of fisheries
More29 December 2003
Working Paper no. 21: Bank Intermediation and Persistent Liquidity Effects in the Presence of a Frictionless Bond Market
More29 November 2002
Working Paper no. 19: Regional business cycles and the natural rate of unemployment
More29 November 2002
Working Paper no. 18: Small open economy model with domestic resource shocks: Monetary union vs. floating exchange rate
More29 November 2002
Working Paper no. 20: Renewable resources in an endogenously growing economy: Balanced growth and transitional dynamics
More29 March 2002
Working Paper no. 16: Wage and price formation in a small open economy: Evidence from Iceland
More27 February 2002
Working Paper no. 17: Inflation and unemployment in Iceland in the light of natural-rate theory
More29 November 2001
Working Paper no. 14: The transmission mechanism of monetary policy: Analysing the financial market pass-through
More29 November 2001
Working Paper no. 15: Monetary and exchange rate policy in small open economies: the case of Iceland
More29 August 2001
Working Paper no. 13: Calculation of flows and disaggregation of accumulated values
More29 January 2001
Working Paper no. 12: The representative household's demand for money in a cointegrated VAR model
More29 December 2000